
Insurance summary table

Insurance typeEligible for coverNot eligible for cover*CLM requirements
Public liabilityCLMs managed by a statutory land manager (SLM) and Commons TrustsCLMs managed by a corporation^ or a council

Cover includes public and products liability, professional indemnity and directors and officers liability. Conditions and exclusions apply.

For incident’s that occur on or after 1 July 2024, the minimum claimable amount for a liability claim is $1000.

PropertyCLMs managed by a statutory land manager (SLM) and Commons TrustsCLMs managed by a corporation^ or a council

Conditions and exclusions apply.

For incidents that occur on or after 1 July 2024, a $300 (exc. GST) deductible is now applicable for all loss or damage claims.

VolunteersCLMs managed by a statutory land manager (SLM) and Commons TrustsCLMs managed by a corporation^ or a council

The Treasury Managed Fund (TMF) provides cover for voluntary workers while undertaking authorised CLM activities.
Conditions and exclusions apply.

CLMs MUST obtain insurance cover for volunteer activities not covered by TMF.

The minimum claimable amount is $300.

Off-reserve activitiesCLMs managed by a statutory land manager (SLM) and Commons TrustsCLMs managed by a corporation or a council

CLMs not eligible MUST obtain insurance relevant to any off-reserve activities NOT relating directly to the reserve.

Liability and personal accident cover for volunteer workers can be extended to cover off-reserve activities that are carried out for the purposes of the reserve.

The minimum claimable amount is $300.

Conditions and exclusions apply

Consequential loss of revenueCLMs managed by a statutory land manager (SLM) and Commons Trusts 

Loss of revenue:

Cover is for losses incurred by the CLM due to the cancellation of an event following an order by a relevant authority (eg. site closure due to a public health order) and is outside of the control of the CLM.

Consequential business interruption costs:

For losses incurred due to the closure of a location, site or venue where it follows an order or advice from a relevant authority (eg. site closure due to a public health order) and is outside of the control of the CLM.

Conditions and exclusions apply.

The minimum claimable amount is $300.

CLMs should register via the financial hardship form in the first instance.

Workers compensationNot coveredNot covered

Where a CLM has paid employees, it MUST:

Motor vehiclesNot coveredNot coveredVehicles owner by the CLM MUST be insured for third party property damage and CTP insurance. The CLM should also consider relevant insurance, such as comprehensive insurance.  
Contractors or sub-contractorsNot coveredNot coveredCLMs MUST ensure that contractors and subcontractors have the necessary insurance before entering the site. A Certificate of Currency should be requested to confirm their insurance cover.
If the contractor/subcontractor does not provide evidence of insurance, the CLM MUST NOT enter into the contract.

*Not eligible for cover – CLMs that are NOT eligible for cover through the Treasury Managed Fund (TMF) MUST obtain their own insurance.

^Corporations – cover is not usually provided to CLMs managed by a corporation. With prior approval, however, cover may be granted when activities of the corporation are not profit-making and the corporation cannot afford to maintain its own insurance. If you believe you are eligible please contact the Insurance Team.

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