
Land management

Well-managed land helps to optimise the greatest environmental, social and economic benefits to the community. Crown land managers (CLMs) are responsible for policies and procedures relating to land management on their reserves, protecting and enhancing the environmental values of natural areas.

Aboriginal interests

Crown land has significant spiritual, social, cultural and economic importance to the Aboriginal people of NSW. There are various legal mechanisms in place to protect places and objects of heritage significance to Aboriginal people.

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Planning and development

Making changes to your reserve? Upgrading and replacing infrastructure, buildings and facilities, or changing the use of the land, may be affected by planning and development regulations.

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Plans of management

Plans of management help provide a framework for the strategic and operational use and management of a reserve. They may be requested by the minister or undertaken on your own initiative.

Check what’s required.

Environmental management

Environmental management includes dealing with pollution and contaminated land; and controlling pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants.

Discover what's involved

Land management agreements

A land management agreement exchanges broader environmental objectives, such as habitat conservation, for direct funding or tradeable credits.

Read this section before seeking to enter into an agreement

Bushfires and hazard reduction

CLMs are responsible for preventing, extinguishing and/or notifying a fire-fighting authority of a fire.

Find out more about what you need to do

Dividing fences

Where a dividing fence separates Crown reserves from neighbouring properties, the CLM is liable to pay half of the reasonable costs associated with the repair or replacement of the fence.

Learn your neighbourly rights and responsibilities.
Risk management

Risk Management

Effective risk management protects people against injury or death, protects the land and buildings, and provides security from financial or legal damages. This information on the risk management process includes a worked example and useful templates.

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