Crown land is publicly owned land managed by the state government on behalf of the people of NSW. Examples are diverse, and include cemeteries, recreation reserves, grazing land, beaches and aged care facilities.
The Crown Estate represents approximately 34 million hectares making up about 38% of the State, mostly in western NSW.
Management of Crown reserves is based on a partnership between government and the community, with Crown land managers (CLMs) responsible for the day-to-day running of the reserve.
Crown land managers are the community and make decisions regarding the use and management of the reserves and are responsible for the implementation of those decisions, acting in accordance with relevant legislation.
Community organisations can be appointed to manage Crown land. Individuals are also not forgotten. Members of the public can volunteer to participate in the management of Crown land as an appointed board member of a statutory land manager.
The Crown reserves code of conduct (the code) outlines the standard of behaviour expected of people managing Crown reserves, helping to ensure transparency, integrity and good governance.
Meet the minister responsible for Crown lands and learn about the laws and regulations relating to Crown land, and the objects and principles that guide management. Legislative updates in 2018 have meant changes for some CLMs.
We showcase different Crown reserves and the Crown land managers who’ve made them a success.
We appreciate the army of people caring for and managing Crown reserves, and acknowledge their work and commitment through awards and long service recognition.
View current opportunities for joining a Crown reserve board
This Crown land manager web resource was printed on 11 Sep 2024. The information contained in this web resource is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing Sep 2024. However, because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date and to check the currency of the information by referring to the website (
© State of New South Wales through Department of Planning, Industry & Environment 2024.
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