
Reserves supporting mental health for Tradies

Read about in the industrial heartland of East Dubbo, sits what was once a Girl Guides hall. It is now the home to Tradies in Sight

11 July, 2023

When you think about a Crown land manager what kind of person do you imagine behind that role?

On a crisp autumn morning in May, staff from Crown Lands’ Customer Service and Operations team in Dubbo, visited the industrial heartland of East Dubbo to discover that for themselves.

They met Bruno, the founder of the not-for-profit organisation, Tradies in Sight. Bruno shared his story and passion of starting up this ground-breaking well-being support service to the tradespeople of the region. Starting with a BBQ, some sausages and creating opportunities for conversation as his only resource, Bruno saw a need to address the growing number of mental health issues in the Trade industry.

News of Bruno’s outreach through a chat and a sausage spread across the town and soon building supervisors were calling him for help to talk to their tradies with issues. After adding counselling qualifications to his tool belt, gaining some local business support and through the provision of a Crown land unused Guide Hall in an industrial area of Dubbo, Bruno grew a support service for Tradies where they can drop by and discuss their problems over a cup of tea or lunchtime BBQ.

What a great morning it was to see Crown land being used for the benefit of the local community and a great opportunity to strengthen the connections between a local Crown land manager and our local Crown Lands staff.


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